The core objective of the Group RX Limited Wholesale Pharmaceuticals is to Export a comprehensive range of better patient services as per prescription, guidance on medication with qualified Pharmacists.

With 10years of pharma expertise Group RX Limited exporting bulk drug supplies to the Ministry of Health, Health Departments, Institutions, Hospitals, NGO’s, Aid Agencies, Nursing Homes, Doctors and Retailing Chemists to countries such as Trinidad, Uganda, Srilanka, and African countries.

Our Vision & Mission

The better administered by professionally competent and highly experienced pharmacists and support team to provide a better service to an individual to an organization level.

Our Products

Over the years, our Group has escalated in magnitude and opportunities and at present has earned a name for itself for uncompromising better and reliability for an extensive range of Pharmaceuticals, Surgical Dressings, Hospital Equipment & Furniture and other Medical Devices. Thanks to our professional attitude, virtuous management practices and of course our craving to flourish in a customer driven extensively competitive market.

Why Group RX Limited?